The Summoning of the Tessen
Ok, so here goes....
For all you peeps who don't know what the fab fushigi yuugi(jap. for 'mysterious game') is, go ask some other page.
Yo people. VERY important note here. I'm having a HELL of a time uploading those pix of mine. I'm really sorry. I'll just put up some other things until I can get those images uploaded! My head looks just like Tasuki's over there <-- from banging it against the comp too much :p Arigato.
YAY!! I finally got a new guestbook!! So, comments? Questions? Flames? Direct them at
Tasuki:"...there was this monster behind you and...." Began '97 ?1997
Anime MP3s available for download! Check 'em out before they vanish! Click here!
Don't forget to sign the guestbook!
KONNICHIWA MINNA!!! I found my intro becoming more and MORE boring, so the universal waster of time(me, Tessen no Miko) has decided for once in her life(*Tess' bro*IF SHE ACTUALLY HAS ONE!*BONK SMASH CRIPPLE SQUOOSH* ahem beautiful weather huh?) to change her boring intro. Yup this STILL looks like crap and I'm STIIL working on it, but look at my updates! They like me :) (summer is taking it's toll......) Basically, it's sole purpose is(WAS if you read my note you'll know what I mean. If you don't, click on collected down there) a storage tank for ALL of those Fushigi Yuugi images, gifs, etc that I have collected over the loooong years. Well..... hope U have fun exploring 'tween these dusty pages!! You're gonna need it with the dreaded SCHOOL looming in the foreground.....
One more thing, well, two actually... one is, all these are(WAS SUPPOSED TO BE!) loaded, I mean REALLY LOADED with spoilers, so, if I forget to remind U, PLEASE do not whoop my ass for it, OK? The second thing is, I have tried my best to locate the owners of all these images. Unfortunately, I didn't know I was going to use any of these, so I didn't save any of the addresses. I'm REALLY sorry all U owners out there, REALLY sorry. If U guys find any of U'r images here that U don't want me taking, please feel absolutely FREE to ask me to take them off..... I will not object : ) Well, enough with the yada yada. Let the big(small?) red thing(Tessen no Miko, it's actually a page on your computer screen *BONK PLUNK* ow sorry my mistake) be opened!!!
Oi, pairs of footprints have been made in the dust since the August 29 1998! Harumph, better sweep it back up....
This page was last updated January 14th '99
This is your insane page owner speaking again (smile and nod)
In case you haven't realized, this page is dedicated SOLELY to my darling Tasuki :)
(smile and nod again)
Here are some links to some sites which I have created for your 'viewing pleasure'. As you can see, I have but a tiny amount of pages you can view. Please donate me some stories which you may want to submit. PLEASE help me people I REALLY need help. Thanxalot :p.
Just kidding.
Fushigi Yuugi is the story about Miaka Yuuki(a bitch with a bottomless stomach)who gets sucked into a mysterious book, the Shinjintenchishou (whoa, wadda mouthfull :p), where she is destined to become Suzaku no Miko a.k.a. Shrine Maiden/Priestess of Suzaku. In the book she falls in love with the dashing (PUKE) Tamahome, one of her sichiseishi. The aim of her game was to summon Suzaku, this peacocky thing, which would give his Miko three wishes, and save Konankokou the time of it's need. Unfortunately, Miaka's best friend, Yui Hongo, was also sucked into the book, destined to become Seiryuu no Miko, enemy of Suzaku. She also has fallen for Tamahome. Angry at Miaka for 'getting him', she tries her best to tear them apart and ruin their happiness, hoping that Tamahome would fall for her.
However, in Yui's shadow lurks the ever domineering Nakago, schemeing mastermind and resident SCARY PERSON(I'm sorry. I won't give any spoilers in the intro, so if you wanna know what the occurances are, check 'summary'(at the moment I can only recommend pages which contain great summaries because my own isn't up yet! :p)).
Uh....... Ok. I'm not doing FY(Fushigi Yuugi-that's the abbreviation 4 it) any credit here. My summary isn't good enough to capture the real magic of Fushigi Yuugi. It is the heartwarming(and breaking) internal struggle everyone is hurled through. It is wit, it is humour. Most importantly, it is the incredible and unbreakable love which so many of us yearn for(not to mention the HUNKY bishonen), which Miaka and Tamahome share. Y'know, I envy Miaka sooooo much.......
Isn't Hori-sama so HEARTBREAKINGLY handsome here?
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If u wanna adopt u'r very own
Oh yeah, I know this is a pukey colour. I just live to scare the hell out of my guests :)
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Hey, if you have any comments, flames, apples, or suggestions, and you don't want to talk to a registration form, email me. Note.... I will not open any flames which aren't titled Lekka Shinen.....just as a sort of complement to my all time dahling Tasuki!
Tamahome:"and you did it on purpose right?"
I got it for free at