CH 1....Haunting memories
Tasuki gave the wooden table an ugly dent with his fist and buried his head in his arms. “How could I possibly......” Miaka’s pleading eyes, filled with tears, floated into his mind. He once again drowned in those ebony pools of sadness, his arms aching to reach out and take possession of their owner. “I can’t, I can’t,” The memories flashed through his beautiful she looked, how his heart held a strange bursting, nagging feeling when he saw her......the frightened look she held when he pinned her down...... how horrified, not to mention upset she was when he unscrupulously tore off her clothes......the soft curvatures of her warm body......her warm tears, distressed eyes. He violently shook his head, as if to clear these horrifying, yet strangely satisfying memories away. Yet, however much he tried, he could not erase the indelible image of her trembling body from his head. “WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!” Tasuki asked the dented table. “Is this...... Aw SHIT,” Tasuki knew deep inside him that although Hikou did possess him, he had strangely wanted it that way. Unwilling to admit it, he strode outside, hoping the cool night air would somehow miraculously soothe his ruffled feelings.
Outside his room, Tasuki saw Nuriko. “Hey wazzup man?” he called out, leaning leisurely on the railings. Nuriko turned around and gazed at Tasuki vacantly. “Hey guy, still on earth?” Tasuki laughed. Nuriko blinked and replied, “J-just got all this... this... I’ve just been thinking.”
“Haw, you got shit on your mind too huh?”
“Hmmm...., shit huh?” Nuriko gave him a funny look before returning into the palace. Tasuki turned to the stars, closed his eyes, and uttered a single exclamation.
“Hey Tasuki.......” Miaka’s cheery voice found it’s way through his sleep clogged noggin. “It’s time for breakfast! Or shall I polish it up for you hmmm?” She leaned her lips so close to Tasuki’s ear that he suddenly surfaced. The memories from the night before came flooding back, haunting him. Tasuki tried vainly to calm his pounding heart as she leaned closer, “wake up. I wanna, um, talk to you.”
“So, um, sup?” Tasuki quite literally asked the wooden railing conveniently situated underneath his elbows. Miaka looked at him in reply. “Why won’t you talk to me?” she asked, her ebony eyes showing the wound Tasuki’s coldness had inflicted upon her mental wellbeing. “What’s wrong? Tell me” Miaka put her hand on his arm. Tasuki glanced up at her and quickly turned away again. He rubbed his head and frowned. “I...I just... nothing.”
“Is something bothering you? Why won’t you talk to me? Tasuki, I- Tasuki LOOK AT ME!” she said firmly, laying her hand on his face, “Tasuki, if you’re thinking about that, it’s alright, it’s fine! It wasn’t your fault. You weren’t to blame, do you understand?”
“It’s not only that Miaka. Dammit, you wouldn’t understand. It's just, I SHIT," his fist threatened to create yet another hole. He quickly turned around and sauntered off before Miaka could stop him.